Purpose Hierarchy Defines Team Missions and Workflow Roles

Every organization has a purpose, its raison d’etre, its mission. A complex organization and mission is separated into sub-organizations with missions, which in turn may divide into a cascade of sub-organizations, each with a top-level purpose, a mission. Work is initiated and/or authorized through this hierarchy of purpose. A mission at one level of purpose is a goal (a sub-mission) at the next level, which in turn is translated into tasks at the third level down—relatively speaking of course.

Organizational and team best practice is to have an explicitly stated overall purpose (mission, objective), although many organizational units do not. Nevertheless, there is always purpose, explicit or implicit. A high-level purpose is in fact usually available and succinctly stated in organization and team names. Most of the key workflow links in the hierarchical units are inherent in the names of the organization, often jargon-coded to outsiders but easily read in upstream-to-downstream terms by those with the requisite local knowledge.

Relative Levels of Purpose

  • L1 Mission – Executive team
  • L2 Goal – Line teams of task groups
  • L3 Task – Staff executing work

Strategy - External

A1 Link represents the mission given to the L2 team (its purpose, charter), fulfilling a goal of the L1 team

B1 Link represents delivery of L2 team’s output to a customer

Tactics - Internal

Internal roles and workflow links the L3 tasks required to deliver the result