Organization Perspective

From "black box" systems to "glass box" networks, organizations can be represented at all levels of complexity using a combination of whole/part and input-output relationship
Inter-team links eventually generate the workflow of the whole organization

Organizations and positions are the units of analysis and formal set of containers used to capture the financial and other properties that roll up to the whole enterprise. While these organizational categories serve structured purposes, they are also the unit of analysis most likely to be associated with performance data and other metrics.

At the top levels of a complex organization, organization units may be represented as players in the large-scale process flow. Here, the structure of an org chart is combined with a network picture of the workflow inherent in the sub-organization names.

As with each of the other units of analysis, position and team, the organization itself is embedded in a larger organization network that hooks to various internal positions.


Top-level component functions of the organization represent the core business model, which is part of a larger network of organizations

In this Section:

  • Organization Nodes Are a Nested Set of Containers

  • Network Dynamics of Process Flows and Feedback

  • Network Map of an Org Chart + Workflow Diagram

  • Two Levels Up From Organization Perspective

  • What Is the Organization Thinking?

  • Sources of Data




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